Python API

User startup guide for the Python CoGAPS API

PyCoGAPS GitHub Repository

Python API

User startup guide for the Python CoGAPS API

We provide two options for running PyCoGAPS (Options A and B). Both options are functionally equivalent, so the user’s choice of interface should depend on factors such as familiarity with Python and desire for flexibility and modification. Please refer to the decision tree below to determine which option is most appropriate to follow.

Option A: Python Scripts

  • Running PyCoGAPS as a package in a Python script with an IDE
  • Provides a full walkthrough of PyCoGAPS package functions

Option B: Docker

  • Automatic deployment and running NMF using a Docker image
  • Deploy and run PyCoGAPS in fewer steps with limited flexibility

Decision Tree

Decision Tree

Workflow Comparison

Procedure Choice Procedure 1: PyCoGAPS  
Option Choice Option A: Python Scripts Option B: Docker
Overview Write and call functions in any Python supported IDE. Easily plug in parameters and run code in a prepared Docker container.
Preferred programming language Python Python / no preference
Recommended programming experience Experienced Little to none
Install dependencies? Yes No
Customization flexibility High Limited
Parameter handling Call functions Easy plug-in
Run location Locally or own server Locally or own server