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Table of contents

  1. Slack
  2. Email and Texting
  3. Accounts


We use Slack (FertigLab) for rapid communication within the lab. If you’d send an email to someone within the lab, try a Slack message instead. This helps to keep communications in one place, and Elana commits to respond to Slacks (not necessarily immediately, but the same guarantee is not made for email or text).

Email and Texting

Elana monitors her email but many communications may be lost due to the extensive and relentless inbox. Lab members are encouraged instead to use Slack communications, and either use the email app within Slack to send emails there or use snippets. Lab members are encouraged to schedule a time for an in person meeting or phone call for any sensitive issues.


Lab members are expected to have accounts and utilize the following resources:

  • Slack (FertigLab)
  • GitHub
  • IGS compute cluster